Financial statements and auditors' reports

Information about projects that were implemented thanks to your support

1. 2021 Annual Report. Download PDF.

1. Auditor's report for 2021. Download PDF.

Association account: Teatro Fabrica Biedrība
IBAN: LV08RTMB0000700801950
Bank: AO Rietumu Banka
Address of the bank: Vesetas, 7, Riga, Latvia
Сlient: Teatro Fabrica Biedrība
ID: 40008303760
Association address: Rūdolfa Blaumaņa iela 22, Jūrmala, LV-2015, Latvia
Country: Latvia

Teatro Fabrica union status

Teatro Fabrica has received the status of a public benefit organization

By decision of the State Revenue Service of the Republic of Latvia No. 32.6 / 8.71 / 22712 of July 21, 2021, Teatro Fabrica was granted the status of a public benefit organisation.

The status is valid starting from July 30, 2021.

According to the law, an organisation can be considered as socially useful if its activities are aimed, in particular, at charity, the development of civil society, support of cultural projects and bring significant benefit to society or a particular social group.

By providing support to an organisation of such kind, legal entities and individuals are entitled to appropriate tax reliefs in most countries.

More about benefits for legal entities (LV, Eng):

More information about benefits for individuals (LV, Eng):

You can check whether an organization has a valid status in the open database of the State Revenue Service:

If you are not a Latvian tax resident, please check with your own tax authorities: in general, your donation or part of it is deductible from your income tax up to a certain ceiling

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About us

Teatro Fabrica – is a non-profit association aimed at developing cultural projects, registered under the laws of the Republic of Latvia under number 40008303760, and as such subject to public financial declarations according to the Associations and Foundations Law

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